• Hot runner mold feature

    Hot runner mold feature

    Hot runners are an advanced technology in plastic injection molding, and their materials play a very good role in injection molding. The machine nozzle is held in the molten state to the cavity and is not ejected. constitution There are many hot runner manufacturers and product lines, but a typical ... read more

    Oct 26,2019 Industry News
  • Easy to ignore the mainstream of the injection mold and the knowledge of the runner

    Easy to ignore the mainstream of the injection mold and the knowledge of the runner

    The main channels, runners and gates serve to transport the plastic melt from the nozzle of the injection molding machine to the various cavities. The pouring system condensate can be pulverized and reused. This is true, but despite this, the presence of the condensate means that the productivity of... read more

    Oct 19,2019 Industry News
  • Injection Molding System Requirements

    Injection Molding System Requirements

    Injection molding systems require the use of a gating system. What are the requirements for the gating system? When the injection mold is used, its polishing has two purposes. One is to increase the smoothness of the mold, so that the surface of the product can be smooth, beautiful and beautiful. Th... read more

    Oct 12,2019 Industry News
  • The influence of injection mold temperature on plastic parts

    The influence of injection mold temperature on plastic parts

    There are many factors affecting the cooling of injection molds, such as the shape of the plastic part and the design of the parting surface, the type of cooling medium, temperature, flow rate, geometric parameters and spatial arrangement of the cooling pipe, mold material, melt temperature, and the... read more

    Sep 29,2019 Industry News
  • Is the injection mold looking for the mold factory or the injection molding factory

    Is the injection mold looking for the mold factory or the injection molding factory

    The plastic factory can do relatively strong strength of the mold, the relative strength of the plastic factory can not be done, the relative strength of the mold factory can not be injected. If you are looking for a plastic factory without strength, he can help you to contact the mold, it is best t... read more

    Sep 21,2019 Industry News